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Safe interventions to eliminate the rodent problem

To effectively fight mice and rats , at home or on the farm, it is necessary to know the behaviors and characteristics of these animals and to get as close as possible to the established habits in the place where they live.

After an accurate mapping of the environment and the observation of the traces , we put in place an intervention plan  which can be developed in several steps, using special safety containers and special baits strategically placed in the points considered at risk.

You have to act cunningly, with rotating baits to prevent rodents from developing resistance to the poison, and in total safety , adopting tamper-proof containers that prevent other animals from accidentally ingesting the contents.

Each phase of rodent control is carefully followed by our experts . From the positioning of the bait to the monitoring and the removal of rodents, we act to make those who come to us feel totally safe and to eradicate an infestation which, in addition to economic damage, can also cause dangerous diseases.


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Our expert recommends:

Rodents are very suspicious. For this reason it is good to avoid sudden cleaning or moving furniture in the places they frequent.
These changes would alarm them and push them not to eat the bait.

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